Free Games
These PC Games are completely Free to Download and Play.
Enjoy my fan-made games and submissions to the Ludum Dare Game Jam!

A first-person shooter. This is a fan-made clone of Call of Duty: Zombies inspired by World At War, and Black Ops. Every feature from the classics, including an easter-egg jukebox. Survive as many waves as you can.

Created with Dietmar Puschmann and submitted to the Ludum Dare 48th Game Jam. The theme was "Deeper and Deeper", and we created some interesting mechanics in this atmospheric 2.5D platformer.

An RPG adventure. This is a fan-made clone of Pokemon: Gold in a 3D, third-person toon world. This game contains every satisfying feature from the classic handheld Pokemon games.

Created with Steve Messier and Dietmar Puschmann. Our submission to the Ludum Dare 49th Game Jam. The theme was "Unstable", and we implemented that quite literally in this chaotic third-person shooter.